Get Involved
We are excited to announce that Genesee: Our County, Our Future has been completed! See below.
Public Events
The public input sessions scheduled for March 24, 26, and 27, were cancelled due to Coronavirus concerns.
The Public Hearing scheduled for Tuesday, April 7, 2020, from 5:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m. was not held in the Willard P. Harris Auditorium and was changed to a conference call format due to Coronavirus concerns.
Why Do We Want Your Input?
Have you ever been somewhere in Genesee County and thought, “this road needs to be fixed”, or “someone should build a park here”? Well this is the perfect opportunity to share those type of ideas. As someone who lives, works, or travels to Genesee County, your opinion is important to us. This input helps determine what strategies and projects will be included in our plan as we think about the future of Genesee County.